Veils (photographs, videos, 2017-19)
selfie, (Veils) {photograph} 2017
selfie {photograph}) 2017
While cutting veggies on a stainless steel prep table, the sun became intense as it reflected simultaneiously at various angles through several open windows onto the reflective counter behind, casting my shadow in layers onto the wall in front of me. This accidental layering cast no identifyable visage/subject.
At the time I thought it funny as an antithesis of a Selfie, so I snapped it.
Unlike the ubiquitous selfie - a gesture capturing a moment, where the subject is most often in best form, even AI'd for social media, selfie is irreverently uncooperative: offering no identifiable characterization of self.
This work shot in 2017 at home in Costa Rica, while livingĀ in relative isolation.
It is related in subject and form to Veils, a group of photographs and and uncut videos (with diegetic sound) that capture attendant details of domestic life in the form of moving shadows rather than the actual subjects or objects in question.
While direct documentation of the domestic environment, Veils are quiet abstractions: aural and visual sensations where traces of unfamiliar or unrecognizable objects move gently in accord with complementary environmental forces.)
© all rights reserved/copyright fiona bowie 2017-2025
All images, sound and text are the exclusive copyright of the artist and may not be used or duplicated without
the expressed permission of the artist.